We Understand

We have seen over the years that simply earning a lot of money does not mean you have confidence when it comes to making plans for the future, choosing your investments or navigating important financial decisions. In fact, sometimes earning more money just means there are more decisions that have to be made and making the wrong one can cost you more.

What you need is competent, timely advice for today so you can have confidence for the future.

Who We Help

Company Leaders & Employees

We help employees and company leaders create & implement a financial plan they can have confidence in. That includes managing any equity-based compensation and integrating their employer benefits package into the plan. Whether you work for a publicly traded company or your company is pre-IPO, we can help you develop a plan to capitalize on your unique opportunities.

People Planning for Retirement

We understand your need for a seamless transition to spending from your portfolio instead of your paycheck. Our cash flow centric planning and portfolio management process is designed to predictably provide the money you need right when you need it for as long as you need it. We are especially skilled at planning for and managing our clients' post-career income needs.

Families In Financial Transition

We work with families whose wealth was created through a range of circumstances including business exits, real estate, IPO liquidity events and inheritance. These families understand their growing affluence has introduced a level of complexity to their lives that is best handled with the help of professional financial managers.  

Meet Adam Broughton, CFP®, CPWA®

Adam is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional and CERTIFIED PRIVATE WEALTH ADVISER™ Professional.  He is the author of multiple books including The Founder's Guide to Business Succession, Maximizing Your Compensation: An Executive's Guide to Accelerating Wealth and a contributing author to So You Want To Be A Financial Planner? (7th edition). Adam has also been featured in articles on leading industry sites such as MyStockOptions.com and Horsesmouth.com.

Adam believes in being a lifelong learner and is an avid reader. He is also a World War I & II history enthusiast, fisherman and guitarist. Adam and his wife, Amy, live in Austin, TX with their three children and their retired, grand champion dachshund, Miley.

How Can We Help?

We would love to start a conversation to hear about your goals, needs and plans for the future. 

Schedule A Free Consultation Now